
Luli is joining fellow U of Iowa Alumni for a staged reading of Jarek Pastor’s ward, produced by The Interstitial.

Friday, June 28th at 8pm

Court Square Theater

RSVP here. It’s free!


Past Projects


Luli is joining fellow Ohio University Alumni for the reading of Rachel Bykowski’s new play, POLYPHAGIA.

Sunday, June 23rd at 11:00am

La MaMa Galleria

RSVP here. It’s free!



Luli spent two months collaborating with actors, musicians, designers and director Margarita Blush to devise Ascend. Click here to learn more about this production.


Summer 2019

During the summer Luli worked on a workshop of Monument (4 Sisters) by Sam Chanse, directed by Jade King Carroll as part of the University of Iowa’s Summer Partnership in the Arts.

In July she traveled to the Czech Republic to do a month-long intensive with the Prague Shakespeare Company and played Helena in their production of Midsummer Night’s Dream.


The Winter’s Tale

Luli is delighted to be playing Emilia/Dorcas/Dion in Riverside Theatre’s production of one of her favorite Shakespeare plays: The Winter’s Tale. The show will run July 15-25. To learn more about this production visit Riverside Theatre’s website.


Three Sisters

Luli played Natasha and was very excited to finally be in a production of a play by Anton Chekhov! For more information about the show visit the this website.


Ghost Limb.

Luli played Consuelo in the reading of Ghost Limb by Marisela Treviño Orta. For more information, visit the Department of Theatre Arts website.

Orlando Poster.jpg


In the Fall of 2019, Luli played Sasha and Marmaduke in Sarah Ruhl’s beautiful adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, directed by Erica Vannon. To learn more about this production visit the Department of Theatre Arts website.

Seven Spots on the sun

In April of 2019, Luli played Monica in the University of Iowa’s production of Seven Spots on the Sun by Martin Zimmerman. The show ran April 11-20. For more information about the show visit the Department of Theatre Arts website.